You Receive More Than A Tan From The Sun – Dangers of Sun Damage To Skin

by | Sep 14, 2016

When you make the choice to lay out in the sun, or lay in a tanning bed – you get a lot more than a tan. You will receive damage to your skin that will result in added years to your appearance with diminished glow, firmness and clarity to your skin.

Start by preventing sun damage

Of course, sun worship has been documented through history, and in some places of the globe is unavoidable, and so for those who live in these regions, there have been adaptations to their skin pigment and you’ll often see locals in very hot, sunny countries donning big floppy hats or wearing more clothing that would seem comfortable (to us, as Americans) in the heat they endure. This is because they are protecting their skin.  Sunbathing has been a large part of ‘beauty’ for Generation X and even younger Baby Boomers.  For some of these men and women, the darker the tan – the better.  Thankfully, all of this is changing with the younger generations, as they are learning just how bad this is for your skin and are very aware of the dangers of skin cancer and other complications from sun overexposure.  Similar to the anti-smoking campaigns – sun tanning is finally becoming something of the past with the younger generations showing more interest in health and wellness.  So what gives for those who still love going to the beach?  You can still go! But take better precaution and know your limits. Wear hats, stay out of the sun during peak burn hours and protect your skin with a great sunscreen. Protecting your skin with a broad spectrum SPF sunscreen like Elta MD should be a key part of your regimen and is a preventative measure.

Reverse and Restore Youthful Skin With IPL Photo Facial

Luckily, you can also restore a youthful look to a large degree, by “pulling” the pigment damage up and out of the skin with IPL Photo Facial.  IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, will pull the pigment up and out of the skin causing a ‘peppering’ of the spots and discolorations that the sun has caused.  Over the course of a few days, the ‘peppering’ will slough away with cleansing leaving your skin clearer and brighter. Most patients require a series of a few treatments, and it varies by skin type and the amount of sun damage. The results are very consistent – and rewarding: brighter, tighter, clearer skin – free of unsightly discolorations caused by years of sun damage.

Does Photo Facial Hurt?

Photo Facial is intense pulsed light, and does feel ‘warm’ or hot to the skin. However – we know how to make you very comfortable during the procedure – so much so – our patients find it therapeutic.

When is the best time to get a photo facial?

Photo facial is non-invasive to the point you can be treated every few weeks and there is little or no downtime. The best time to do it, would be right after summer when we’ve been out in the sunshine and need to remove the damage that occurred – and also as a preventative or maintenance treatment during the other seasons of the year. Call our office for your complimentary consultation today to learn more about how you can turn back the hands of time.

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