Rescue for Adult Acne

by | Jun 6, 2017

You’re not alone – if you’re suffering from adult acne.  Most figure once they get out of high school and into their twenties – that the outbreaks of acne will go away. The huge, cysts that take up that precious real estate of, say – your forehead or nose. But alas…breakouts still come for some. Certainly, in your thirties –  the unattractive and painful bumps will subside. They don’t always.  Into your forties – acne can’t still be a ‘THING!’ – but guess what – it can be. And – when you go looking for relief – every television infomercial or product on drugstore shelves will be  geared towards young skin – teen boys and girls testing the trials of puberty. But what for those of us in our (ahem…) midlife years?

What causes acne?

As an adult, it can be hormones, stress, the product we are using (or aren’t using) or the foods we eat. So many things contribute to a clear complexion.

What can be done to treat acne?

Lifelong healthy habits of water, fruits and veggies and regular skincare regimen will help keep adult acne at bay. Be careful not to wash your skin too much, and also to select the right products for your skin type. On top of developing some better habits – we offer some easy-breezy lunchtime treatments that can also help clear things up.
  1. Microdermabrasion or Hydrafacial – these routine maintenance treatments are safe enough to do weekly, or twice-monthly and will be a nice, deep exfoliation. Doing this regularly will encourage turnover of new skin cells, and reduce the dirt & pollution that can get trapped inside.
  2. Chemical Peels – these five minutes pack a punch at combating acne. Remove the top few (dirty ) layers of skin over the next few days and you will see glowing, new skin underneath. It’s a great treatment – stand alone, or as an accompaniment to a hydrafacial.
  3. Photo Facial (IPL) – this is great for acne, because the heat from the intense pulse light not only clears up dark pigment spots – it kills the heck out of bacteria that’s inside the pores – preventing future breakouts.
  4. Microneedling and AquaGold Serum – this treatment creates tiny little ‘wounds’ that generate new skin through collagen remodeling. Couple microneedling with injection of human growth serum and you are packing a one-two punch of acne-fighting goodness.
Stop by for a complimentary consultation and some expert advice on how to clear up that acne on-the-spot!
POSTED IN: Acne | Anti-aging

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