How does Kybella work? 

Kybella is composed of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that is responsible for absorbing fat in the body. When injected into the tissue beneath the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, which destroys their ability to store fat and eliminates fatty tissue. Because deoxycholic acid is an organic, naturally-occurring chemical produced by the body, it is both safe and effective. 

Who is an ideal candidate for Kybella? 

An ideal candidate is anyone 18 years or older, physically healthy, and not nursing or pregnant, who is concerned about submental fullness.   

What areas can be treated? 

During your Kybella appointment, you will receive injections into the fatty tissue beneath the chin. 

What to expect after your treatment? 

Treatment takes about fifteen minutes, but may take longer the first time. Some patients see improvement after the first treatment, while others may not show improvement until after three to four treatments. Up to six treatments may be performed with at least one month between treatments to achieve maximum results.

