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LASER HAIR REMOVAL with the Lumenis Splendor X

Whether you have hair on your legs, face, back, bikini line, or anywhere on your body, chances are you have tweezed, plucked, shaved, and waxed or even tried electrolysis.

Until recently, removing it was uncomfortable, inconvenient, expensive and time-consuming. Today, with the remarkable advances in laser technology, unwanted hair can be removed safely and affordably. Each treatment removes progressively more hair until the skin becomes smooth and hair free.

How Does the Area Look After Treatment?

It depends on the extent of the procedure and skin type. There may be some redness and swelling around the hair follicle, which indicates that the follicle has responded to the treatment. Most people return to normal activity right away. We’ll discuss your treatment, possible side effects and the results you can expect during your consultation.

How Many Treatments are Recommended?

It’s important to know that hairs in an active growth phase are most affected by the laser. Not all hairs are in this phase at the same time so more than one treatment will be necessary to achieve optimal results. In general, 5 to 6 treatments are required at four to six-week intervals. Many factors can affect treatment results including hair color, hair thickness, skin color, hormones and age.

What Should I Do Before Treatment?

  • Do not tweeze, wax, use a depilatory or undergo electrolysis in the areas you wish to have treated for 6 weeks prior to laser hair removal.
  • Do not tan the areas to be treated for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoid using self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Shave area to be treated prior to appointment as skin should be clean of stubble.

What Should I Do After Treatment?

  • Some redness and swelling in the area is normal after treatment and may feel similar to a sunburn. This should resolve within several hours to several days after treatment.
  • You may apply ice immediately after treatment.
  • Gently clean area twice daily.
    Avoid irritants such as glycolics and retinoids for seven days after treatment.
  • Apply SPF 30 sunscreen daily over the treated area.
  • Do not use deodorant if underarms are treated.
  • Avoid exercise until redness has cleared.
  • Do not pick, scratch, or tweeze.
  • Apply hydrocortisone 1% or aloe vera until erythema (redness) is gone.

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