How Dr. Mason Martinez uses acupuncture for anxiety and depression

by | Dec 8, 2020

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. This year, with all of the additional struggles and stress that the pandemic has created, anxiety and depression is at an all-time high for many. It’s so important to take care of our mental health, just as we do our physical health and now, Eleven Wellness + IV has an amazing tool to help. Meet Dr. Mason Martinez, DACM, L. Ac and acupuncturist at our Dallas Med Spa. Keep reading or click below to hear how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist when you are struggling mentally.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are treatments that can be used to treat anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD and more. This is done by helping to reduce cortisol levels and help regulate energy in the body. Dr. Mason Martinez earned her Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and is performing these treatments to her patients at Eleven Wellness + IV in Preston Center in Dallas.

Acupuncture to treat anxiety

According to Dr. Martinez, in Western medicine, there is not a great definition for what anxiety really is and what that means for people. But in Chinese medicine, we look at the body as energy flow and these emotions effect the flow of the energy. Because we have a mechanism, we also have a tool to treat it.

Regular acupuncture treatments have been shown to significantly decrease the symptoms of anxiety and depression in many patients. 

So, we are able to use acupuncture at our Dallas Med Spa to smooth the flow of energy in the body and to settle the emotions; things that will lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Your first appointment with Dr. Martinez will be 90 minutes long. The first 30 minutes is a sit down where you can discuss your medical history and your goals for treatment followed by your first customized treatment.  Book online at our medspa today! We can’t wait to see you!


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