
Aesthetic Procedures For Celebrities: What Exactly Are Tweakments?

by | Aug 7, 2017

Cosmetic surgery and other treatments have been on the rise year after year, but sometimes, going under the knife for aesthetic procedures can be daunting. You might be afraid of the results not turning out as you’d like or of the pain and annoyance of recovery as your body heals. That’s why many celebrities are turning to tweakments instead of more drastic procedures.

What Are Tweakments?

So what exactly is a tweakment? To put it simply, tweakments are any aesthetic procedures that improve a person’s appearance without the use of invasive or surgical means. That means there will be a shorter recovery period and fewer side effects. Rather than offer extreme and drastic results, tweakments provide a subtle yet noticeable difference to a person’s look. Tweakments are a good way to smooth out wrinkles and brighten up the complexion to help erase a few years off a person’s age. Some examples of tweakments are dermal fillers, chemical peels, dermaplaning, laser hair removal, and teeth whitening. When performed separately, these can tweak a specific area a patient is unhappy with. However, if the patient combines these treatments, they can benefit from a completely rejuvenated look that will restore their youth.

Why Do Celebrities Choose Tweakments For Cosmetic Improvements?

Celebrities often need to be in front of the camera, so any aesthetic procedures that take them out of action aren’t a viable option. While facelifts, rhinoplasty, and blepharoplasty are all great ways to turn back time and get the face looking younger, they do involve making incisions in the skin, and therefore, may make a person unsuitable for public appearances for at least a few weeks while the body heals. What’s more, some of these surgical aesthetic procedures can sometimes look overdone and cause a celebrity to no longer look like themselves. In fact, many celebrities have gone back and undone their previous surgeries to regain some sense of their old look. In some cases this is successful, but in others, the changes are too drastic to undo. Luckily, the extreme of either aging or being overdone does not have to be the reality. With modern advancements in laser skin care, new non-invasive procedures such as micro-needling, and tried and true procedures like dermal fillers, both celebrities and common people alike can keep looking and feeling their best without the cost, downtime, or visible difference in their appearance.

How Jennifer Aniston Became The Queen Of Tweakments

If you try to picture an actress that hasn’t aged at all, Jennifer Aniston might come to mind. Since her days on “Friends,” it barely looks like she’s aged at all. Her skin is supple, smooth, and relatively wrinkle-free, leading many to wonder — how does she do it? While diet, exercise, good genetics, and a good skincare regimen probably play an important role in her never-ending youth, there’s also a good chance she’s a big believer in tweakments. In fact, in a recent poll, over 100 cosmetic experts attributed her glowing appearance to these subtle aesthetic procedures. Aniston has admitted to having rhinoplasty in the past, but as of now, she denies having any fillers or Botox procedures. However, experts believe her plump cheeks, killer jawline, and lack of creases along the nose and lips are evidence that she’s had some tweakments performed. Since she was born in 1969, it would be nearly impossible for a person to look that young and flawless without some additional help. Overall, the general consensus is that the work she has done has been extremely successful. Because she’s left some parts of her face alone to help conserve her noticeable features, including small crow’s feet around the eyes, lumps along her middle bottom lip, and horizontal creases in the forehead, the aesthetic improvements look far more natural.

Integrate Tweakments Into Your Anti-aging Regimen

With today’s technology and our new-found attention to diet and exercise, you can defy aging at every turn. There’s no reason you have to let your features slip away into old age before you’re ready. With the help of tweakments, it’s easy to forgo more drastic aesthetic procedures for simple treatments that can have great results. If you’re interested in trying out this celebrity trend, contact Eleven Wellness today. Our highly trained med spa estheticians can provide you with a consultation to talk about your goals and devise a treatment plan to help you reach those goals. While we can’t transform you into Jennifer Aniston, we can help you maximize your appearance by turning back the hands of time and restoring your youthful glow.

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