IPL PHOTOFACIAL at ElevenWellness



Hyperpigmentation is a common skin concern that involves an overproduction of skin pigment, resulting in dark patches. This includes sunspots, age spots, and melasma. Hyperpigmentation usually occurs on the face and other sun-exposed areas. The IPL can target these areas to remove the outer, damaged skin cells and promote the growth of new ones for a more even skin tone.

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin concern that involves an overproduction of skin pigment, resulting in dark patches. This includes sunspots, age spots, and melasma. Hyperpigmentation usually occurs on the face and other sun-exposed areas. The IPL can target these areas to remove the outer, damaged skin cells and promote the growth of new ones for a more even skin tone.

Treatment For

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Treatment Duration

30 Minutes

Sessions Needed

Series of 3-5 sessions


The treated area will feel like a mild sunburn and may be slightly pink and swollen post procedure. Age spots, freckles and sunspots will get darker after treatment and flake off in 3-10 days leaving fresh new skin.

Treatment For

Problem 1

Treatment Duration: 

Sessions Needed: Series of 3-5 sessions 


The treated area will feel like a mild sunburn and may be slightly pink and swollen post procedure. Age spots, freckles and sunspots will get darker after treatment and flake off in 3-10 days leaving fresh new skin.

IPL PhotoFacial before and after pics


IPL Photofacial also known as Intense Pulsed Light uses a broad spectrum of light to reverse pigmentation caused by the sun and aging. This method passes through the epidermis to draw out the pigment producing cells (melanin) which are removed by the body’s lymphatic system. IPL is a versatile modality that can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, and legs.
Along with improving abnormal pigment, the IPL can also be used for overall skin rejuvenation. The laser energy stimulates new collagen growth within the skin to promote the growth of stronger, healthier skin. The new skin will be smoother, younger looking, and more radiant.

IPL PhotoFacial before and after pics


IPL Photofacial also known as Intense Pulsed Light uses a broad spectrum of light to reverse pigmentation caused by the sun and aging. This method passes through the epidermis to draw out the pigment producing cells (melanin) which are removed by the body’s lymphatic system. IPL is a versatile modality that can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, and legs.
Along with improving abnormal pigment, the IPL can also be used for overall skin rejuvenation. The laser energy stimulates new collagen growth within the skin to promote the growth of stronger, healthier skin. The new skin will be smoother, younger looking, and more radiant.


Lana Young

Jenny Anderson

Leisha Lofton

Alexa Chase
Sarah Crim

Absolutely loved GiGi!
Have never had Botox or Lip fillers…feel so much better about myself. Had severe deep lines in my forehead from stress and body pain from an accident. I wore all those in my face and it took a toll. The Botox really softened the lines in just one treatment! Amazed and excited with the results.
Now for the lip filler…my favorite! GiGi is a perfectionist and artist. I didn’t want “large” lips because mine were sooo thin to begin and I was afraid of a drastic change so she listened and I have lips now!!! I’m in love with having lips…they aren’t bumpy.